Friday, January 25, 2013

social networking site

If you from your profile on the social networking site Facebook to delete porn pages or want to comment it will work now takes only the researchers have developed an application. which will help you to delete the cantata.

' Phesvash ' to the application named Kent State University researchers have developed according to the Los Angeles Times reported. Facebook users to the content of the khojga that he intends to delete. it States updates, photo caption, users to comment and that the links lead researcher Daniel everything about sum said."We realized that a lot of content on the site that the user does not want." he phesvash phalmar and their two colleagues teamed up with David steinberg camden. to use the application user to go to the website phesva. sh. click on the gate started there and log onto Facebook account.

Application of the user's use of the cantata. then ask an offensive word to examine the application user profile content. will start get him anything related to the word if. user will show its link to delete so easily States or photo. Daniels said recently that the application to launch 20 thousand people. it is in the early stages so Some problems can occur.