2G scam which loop and Essar's owners filed the same week against CBI charjashit. Attorney General after the verdict. charjashit preparation of just the CBI Director lagni. charjashit seal of Sun and anshuman Ruia, the Essar group, owner of the loop and Ray King charged with creating IP khetan. 2G gain spectrum of the company on the loop of associate company EssarIs direct violation of the licensing rules and reliance Telecom against that svan Telecom. charges were filed against them in April and the CBI charjashit. in the case of Essar and loop of Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the law Ministry from intrusive CBI legal suit was entangled. later the Attorney General made it clear that loopAssociate company of Essar,. charjashit, a CBI officer accused of fraud and fake documents to get the license on the criminal case of plotting the King despite not. complaint to the accused.